"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

Tuesday 7 February 2012

what a day! :O

Assalamualaikumm >__<
Yeah,this is kinda sorta one of the worse days...Let see,because of the boredom that strucked me..I started to play games on the PS2,iPad and my iPod T.And yeah,there were the best,and of course the WORST!Wait!Actually,wanna story this...So,tonight was Tempayaki night.So,go laa to our loyal JJ *loyal lah sangat!So,after making our order..I bugged my lil' bro beside me.."Bro,jumm pergi beli game.Kita beli game yang boleh main dua orang!" *oh gumbiranya hati!We both pun stroll through JJ macam gangster tak jadi,mweheheheh..sesampainya di kedai game tersebut..Saya jadi eksaited macam orang gila jumpa kewarasan! *weird,ignoremeI went through the game catalougue..the first two catalougues,I went thoroughly..then,my excitement DIMINISHED!The games was super duper boringgggg! *annoyed =="Gawsh!Frust gilaa!I stormed out of the kedai *do i care to the way you look at me you shop owners!!!,makan kat Tempayaki bagi cool saya punya FRUSTRATION..After watching the chef *whoslikedisplayinghimselftothecrowd cooking for like solid 15mins,we alls left the restaurant.Oh,thank you Tempayaki people! :D Next..what?Bosan baca?then buzz off..guhhh..anyways,jalan jalan lagi,nak balik daa,coz' nak Maghrib.My lovely Daddy g beli something at the market.Suddenly,tak pasal pasal,there was this one guy pulled my brother to a side shop.I was like,WTH?! Mummy was cool..Owh,kedai kosmetik..okayla,tapi chill la bro..cuba bagi salam dulu ke perr?guhh..Mulalah beliau menyapu cream to my bro's arm.. :O apakah?..then,come another lady and took my arm.Macam mintak penampar je kak.Haih=="..Sapulah cream mereka ke atas kulit saya nih,bau boleh tahan sedap.Mulalah mempromote kepada mak saya..Apa?Sebotol rm20,besar SECIPUT JE?Haih,nak belah laa!Then,menyirap laa muka aku ni haa..kenapa?---->"Belilah kak,untuk mula anak akak yang jerawat tuh"
WTH?!grrrr..good luck with Business man,you just lost a customer.And I hope you lose a thousand tomorrow!Padan muka! :p
One more thing,dah lahh sapu sapu kat orang tak basuh tangan!
O.M.G... O.o
Jadi,moral of the story is,Kanak kanak sekalian..bila nak buat business,buatla dengan betul agar dapat KEPUASAN HATI DIRI SENDIRI DAN PELANGGAN..BUKAN CACIAN..
Oh no..tak caci..tak caci..nak try CUCI JE!Nak ke dapat nih daripada pelanggan??

Sekian,Terima Kasih..

P/S:Perniagaan anda bertuah sebab saya tak sampai hati sebut produk anda di sini.Perbaikilah diri.

*annoyeddddddddd >__<

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