"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

Sunday, 11 March 2012

life is gooood :)

Assalamualaikum Pretties and Handsomes..
How are yah people?
Me just fineeee..
And Happy!
Sorry for leaving this bloggie of mine UNATTENDED..
Busssyyyyy..with what you ask?
Work :)
Yup I'm working a bakery..nahh..will story in the next post..This is just a quick post for ya'll..
Just wanna say that,things are normal now..with me and my sis,FNJ *imglad!
Anyway,my Singaporean relatives came by this week..and we had an awesome time! Woohoo! :D
Oh yeah..I'm really constant with my jogging rutine so..I should be..ehem,slim by the end of the month *God-Willing :) wahahahahaha..
K,that's all I guess..
Yes,I know it's boring and all,but..let me put up this pict :)

It's true you know....
Hewhew..come on..just admit your feelings and find a solution!
Don't ever think that when you jump over a problem of yours,it won't come crawling back and haunt you,okayy?
Take my advice and solve it fast..
Because life is lining up mannnyyyy problems for you..
And these problems are good..coz' with them,you will learn and when you came face this type of problem again,you will know how to knock-them-out!!
Be awesome people,BE PREPARED :)

*have a nice life beautiful people ^.^

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