"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

Sunday, 12 February 2012

a long-missed craving !

Assalamualaikum :D

I'm sure you can feel the heat from the picture!
Oh yes..I did it!
I have finally made it to THE SAHARA DESSERT..
NO laa,no sahara..just the hot sun that blessed it's powerful rays on this field of SMK S4 BK..
Jyeahh..I was tutoring archery at my lil' Bro's school today!
YOu wanna know how long I've been wanting to hold a bow and shoot it?
I'll tell you how long..IT'S BEEN AGES,man..
Sigh = ="..disebabkan,saya bukan anak yang selalu chop duit,saya tak berkesempatan untuk membeli Bow saya sendiri..arrow suda ada maa..Anyone wanna donate me a set? Pweashhh O..O
It's okayy laa..*no it's not *okay,kelingnya ayat anda!..hahahhahahaha..
Anyways,I got to give them some tips..I was grateful as the knowledge is still in me,and yeahh..I know I'm playing for Gombak..but let's not be choosy hokayy? *be generous!
So yeah..I'm proud of my brother who's following my footsteps.. tsk tsk :')

Haih..Imma proud of you,Brotha :D
I'll help you out,always :)

Jyeahh..the gang..
Hahaha..since I'm the only Kakak,bolehlaa buli.. :)

*kfineee..I miss me Archery! :]

See that!
You alls better watch out for my Bro,He's AWESOME :)

Till then,my darling..
Archers Rock ! ;)

*immaarcherforever !

0 Shouts!: