Assalamualaikum*kalau jawab pahala,kalau tak neraka :)
saya nak jadi doktor..wahh..senang cakap,tapi susah ohh..taklah,mana ada susah..ehh,ehh susahlah awak..
(okay,masalah personaliti di sini)
japppp!!!that's not ME..but will be wearing the white coat and hang a stethescope around me neck in a few years :)*Insya-Allah :)
Anyway,dah bertekad gilaa ni nak jadi doctor..the question is?
Boleh ke??
*ceyt..boleh lerr..
I heard that this news had been spreaded throughout the family..maka,terpacullah statement2 sebegini..
"Oh,Miza nak amek medic ke?"
"Baguslah,nanti ada doktor dalam family kita!"
"Bagusnyee..nanti dah jadi doktor,bawak kita jalan2! *winkwink"
Suddenly,there was this churning feeling in my stomach..
*monolog'Grr..camne kalau takdir aku jadi benda lain??'
Huh?benda apa??hahaha..
Then,what's the use of istikharah right??Come on laa...
Ada rezeki lebih,*Insya-Allah..nak sambong jadi CARDIOLOGIST..Kenapa?sebab saya suka belajar pasal jantung!*jiwang lebey..haha
the human heart
of course you know,duhh..WootWoot*
Go Dr. Miza Syakirah Mohd Razif!
Go and make your family PROUD! :)
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