"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

Saturday, 31 December 2011

pesanan penganjur ~_~

Assalamualaikummm :D

Ahhh yes..
Assalamualaikum :)
Flawless..what's that people?
Can't look up at the dict. coz your hands are too lazy?
Let me help :D

'Less' is added to 'Flaw'
'Flaw' means,
•an imperfection in a plan or theory
•an imperfection in an object or machine
•defect or weakness in a different character

So,flawless is 'NOT FLAW' *acc. to Mr. Dictionary,..

So,let me get this,you are right,everyone has their own 'FLAWS'..kan kan?So,jangan tipuu la wey kalau anda kata anda PERFECT..
Let me state here that,N.O.B.O.D.Y is read this a zillion times in this,nampak sangat I don't like you guys yang nak perfect sangat..tapi sukaaaa sangat pijak orang2 yang tak berapa nak perfect kenn?

But let me state here that,

So,wadahek pungg maksod quote kat atas tuh??

"Flawless Has MANY FACES"
Tak paham gak?
Meh sini..dekatkan sikit penglihatan anda ke skrin komputer,and bukak mata hati anda..dan fikir bersama saya..
Flawless,such a big word if you want to bestow it upon a human being..just another frail creature created by God..we are just slaves to HIM..
Oh gosh,tak pernah sedar ke?
Now,wake up!

Yes,we often see other people as "flawless"..everyone has their own unique "flawlessness" *amek kau!
That's why it has soooo many faces..some people use their flawlessness in the name of good..some,well,lost their path and went to the bad road..that's why 'flawless has many faces'
Because we manusia..suka sangat,
*good :)...
Memang nak anda terasa...
Tapi ingat,tak salah punn nak jadi perfect,or as we discuss this,"Flawless",there is not a law in this whole universe forbid you..just..dun be so stuck up okayy?
Orang tak sukaa..ingat tu..
And I'm just saying what I need to say..
Heyy,i'm not perfect too,but I try to be..
One more thing,I don't need your trust in this blog,just your reading skill..
*nak ngumpatt saya boleh,tunggu saya jumpa anda di padang mahsyar dan minta tebus balik oke?
That's all i need to say..


Nothing's IMPOSSIBLE :)

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Dah tengok cerita atas ni belumm?
If not,DON'T continue reading!
Coz' coz'..NOTHING..

Just continue...
So,had a very blastful day with my AWESOME FRIENDS..

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. :)

They say a picture worth a million word,so I'm letting these BEAUTIFULLY taken pictures to story to you..not the amazing trip to MID VALLEY MEGAMALL..but the BEAUTY OF FRIENDSHIP :)
*enjoyy :D

 Havoc and love yuuu Mama and Alang :)
 Mereka lagii?? :D
 Inilah kanak-kanak riang Winning Eleven saya :)
 Sayang kamooo semuaa ! :')
 *eh,Amani,Maryam..apee tueee?? :D
 Tidakkahmereka kelihatan begitu gumbiraa!!!! :)))
 Along dan Nuha :)
 *Erkkkssss?? =.=''
The most excited to see me..
Awww,me mish you too,Mino :D
 Sesi mengenyangkan perut yang sangat tak sedap dan menari-nari *ayat keling
 My meal..nyummm :)
 Sahabat-sahabat saya..
(Right)Umi Asierah Amir *saya memang sukaaa sebut nama penuh anda :)
(Left)Ngat :D
(Middle)Kakak Umie :)
 Bowling Alley..Bring it onn!!!
 *Aikk?terbalik pulaa??**sorry ..=,=''
 Cheeseeee :D
Anda berdualah yang terbaik :D

Selalulah kita berdoa..
"Ya Allah..kurniakanlah aku sahabat yang baik dan boleh membawaku ke jalan yang baik..Amiin"

Guess what?
*Keyra~Forever Winning 11*
Miss you guys A LOT :D
Stay Close~We Are VICTORIOUS ;)

shuubeedubeeduuraffa :)

Friday, 30 December 2011

Scrabble night yo >,< !

Assalamualaikummmm :D

Who says only NERDS play SCRABBLE?

Before you critics continue reading this,take back your words..
TAKE IT ALLLLL BACK...*paranoid  >,<
So,malam tadi.....agak kebosanan melanda hati-hati kami..
Tiba-tiba,ada suara yang sangat merdu menyinggah telinga telinga kami..

"Seharum bunga yang menggoda..sekadar dipandang usah dipuja.."
Not that voice..*scarryyyy..
Suara Ibu jep.."Main Scrabble jummm :)"

Players:Me!+Sarah,Ibu+Ajin,Ayah+Jaja,Abangngah(gagah bermain seorang diri..cehh)
(Not playar kayy :D)

Jadi Round One!Haiyyak!!*karate
Berkumpul di ruang tamu yang indah lagi menawan,kami mula bermain Scrabble..
Persaingan sangat sengit..
Markah kami berlumba-lumba..
Dahi kami berpeluh-peluh *di bawah kipas angin yang sangat laju
Otak kami diperah perah seperahnya *exxaggerating much??
Akhirnya,secara rasminya,kami menarik nafas legaaa...Saya mengeluarkan kata syukur...

Look for yourself :)
 *urmmm..ini kes tidak puas hati Ayah saya kerana finish at last place..hahaha..I still love you Ayah :)

*erkkkss..sorry bout' that guys,cuba invert you sight :)

Round Two..
*bored..semua dah ngantuk..
bet you guys pun bosan ngan post nih kan?
Berhenti sekarang dan tutup page nih..cepat,buatlaaa..buat!
Takde pape pungg round nih,semua dah ngantukk..
Yang surprise nye..Ibu finished last..and abangngah won over Ayah by one point!
Me?Winner duhhh...See the pretty face lerrr.. :)

Look again :)

 *urmm,nampak remote yang sedang interframe?Yeee,itu Ayah jugee,kes tak puas hati lagi :)
hehee..still love you Daddy :D
*The winner for this round is,ching ching!
*Ibu jealousss!!! :)
Yeah,love you too Ibu :)))


Thursday, 29 December 2011

Tentang Dhia :D !

"Dhia...yang aku cinta....."
~Zikir :)~

What a relief!
Assalamualaikum semuaa!!! :D
Kenapa saya happy?
Entah..kenapa saya happy?
Kenapa saya happy sangat nih?
*Whoah,chill mann....

Okay okay,take a deeeeeep breath..and let go...
Ehem..uhuk uhuk...
Alhamdulillah..setelah kita bertarung menonton 30 EPISOD..
Finally,Tentang Dhia..came to an end.. :)
Well,want to comment here a bit bout' the ending..
*for the rest of the story,please proceed to this--->Click HERE :)
Malas nak citer panjang panjang okayy??
Critic(Me):Well,ending okay..nasib baik director bagi Zikir meninggal,kalau tak mesti semua orang benci dia..*act not mine,it's Ibu's comment :)and every truth has unfold..anyways..there is this tiny bit of problem in the picture..
Apa jadi ngan MAMI????
Grr...tak puas hati betolll!!!Nape tak ada sinopsis pungg??huh..
*hahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha<------Ayah laughing at the background..Love you lots :DHeeeee..

Actually,nak citer pasal surrounding time tuhh..more interesting actually...
Mari kita saksikan :)

  • Semalam,dialog antara saya dan Ibu:

Me:Kita rasa mesti Dhia mati esok..dah kene kanser..tahap tiga lagii..not impossible right??
Ibu:Tak lah..Dhia takkan mati punya..
Today:I was right,Dhia died at the hospital bed..hehe..*I win! when that happened..I just flashed my winning smile at Ibu,a sign of winning..*what can I say?I got a DIRECTOR'S TALENT :)

  • Ibu's sarcasm suddenly stopped by..At the time of Zikir's and Rose's Nikah..
Everyone:blah blah blah..comment..comment..comment..
Ibu:Dah dah..lepas ni Tentang Rose pulakk..
Everyone:*speechless for a moment..then,seconds later;Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  • At the time of Dhia's and Zikir's death..
Ibu:Yes..nasib baik director matikan dua2..kalau tak mesti semua orang benci Zikir tuh..good thinking!
Me,Sarah,Syaza,Ayah(??!!):Smiling :D
Ajin(tiba tiba):Zikir tak mati la Ibu..dia tidur je laaa...
Everyone(in unison):Hahahahahaahahahahahaha !LOL!

  • Apabila tulisan 'TAMAT' di skreen tv..
Me:What?apa jadi ngan Mami?mana sinopsisnye?takde pape ker??Huh(sambil meng-update FACEBOOK)
Ibu: Smiling :D
Me:But not my mami la Ibu :))))*bodek..
Suddenly,"Hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!*aikk?siapa tuhh??
Ayah:Hahaha*tak habis gelak lagih :)..I know everyone wants to know about her!Mami..
*Ayah,awkward.. :)

So,that's all..well,actually more funny scenes played just now,but..this is the only thing that popped in my mind..If I would write everything pungg,tak cukup lah page blogger nih:)
I love my FAMILY :)
*Hey!You should too!


inilah FNJ saya :)

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels..

Sapee sebelah saya dalam gambar tuu?*comell taa?
Saya panggil dia KENIT..sebab perbezaan ketinggian yang sangat ketara :)*heee...jgn maree
But don't be FOOLED..sekecik dia pungg,she is TOUGH and HARDCORE..
*that's one of the things I love about her..
She always SNAPS me out of it..always keeps me on the ground and lifts me up everytime I fell..
I admit,I hurt her many times..sometimes even made her cry,*jahat nyee saya =.='
We even fight that one time,but hey..NOBODY's PERFECT..
And we promised not to end up in that same chapter in our lives anymore..kan kan ??
Welllll,what can I say?Love you soooooo much,Babe!

A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.
So,yeah..thanks for stepping in my Life..
Oh,you wanna know who's that gorgeous gal?
Dialah FNJ saya :D

*shubeedubeeduraffa :)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

i close my eyes..

'and i can see a better day..'
Well,that's what BIEBS say..

Heart Bieber :D

0.o,isn't he gorgeous?
*toodles :)

perfection is boring =.= ?

Where did that came from?
Owh..Assalamualaikum :D
So,u must be wondering where the heck did that came from..
Well,got it from a bff,FNJ..*nama dirahsiakan untuk keselamatan sejagat,haha..
Anyways,is it true people?

We always hear,practise makes perfect..
It even became some people's motto..
People would die for perfection..
Everything has to be at the top game..
Everything has to be spotless *ching
Everything has to be by our GAMEPLAY...

But do you ever forget:NOBODY'S PERFECT???!!!
So,teach me please..
If you want me to be perfect..
Not get your BRAIN BURST by thinking of how to waver me down..

*to a friend who will not be named :D


remember me :D

Her death will not go UNPUNISHED...
*heee..cuak takk?

Assalamualaikum :)
So,me currently engrossed in this book..

well...actually bukan tue cover sebenar..*latest..
Aishh..Kene I gak jadi modell :)
* the big eyes gal!
(A.B.S)*angkat bakul sendiri..:D

Book Title:Remember Me
Author:Christopher Pike
Date of purchase:24 Dec 2011
Bookstore:MPH Mid Valley
Price:RM 33.90
Reading skill required..
Please click HERE to register in reading school


Monday, 26 December 2011


Assalamualaikum :D
*ching2 jawab yer saudara saudari!
Semua sihat???
Sihaaatttt ! :D...
Heee..comeyler kome2 sekalian..
Ehem..Okay,I'm mumbling again,I KNOW...

So,saya serta seangkatan keluarga telah bergerak ke SUNWAY PYRAMID pada malam sebelum hari natal untuk mengenyangkan perut-perut kami yang lapar dan berkeroncong di mana kami memerlukan dua kenderaan iaitu Naza dan Kenari..
*pheww..lost a breath there..,we all settled down at CARL'S JUNIOR :D to eat their HUMONGOUS,GIGANTIC,ENORMOUS..
Burger :D
*well,actually takde ar besar gilaa!hehe..over reacting much??
*thanks to SARAH KAMILIA for being my model todayy..haha :D,jangan mareee ye ;)

Or should I say,COMPRESSED FAT????
You judge yourself okayy??


 Sorry Bro,you're just too cute to be true :)
I just couldn't resist!!

And this is my handsomee cousinn.. ooopsss..
Thank youu :0

So,selepas,Burrpp :D *Alhamdulillah..faham2 jea :D..sekalian kanak-kanak riang berjalan-jalan di Sunway Pyramid..Yay!
Pergi shopping :) *winkwink
Dun ask what I got..hehehe..
And..lots of pictures!!(thanks to your's truly and her trusty Ipod Touch!*again with the jealousy..pergi beli satoo!)

P/s:Shisha pun is associated to smoking okayy?
*pesanan penganjur :D
 Soldier of the future??
 Smile! :D
 Smile?? :D
 Ibu cakap orang ambik gambar tyme naik escalator is like jakunn,but love this pict :)
*sorry mummy!
*Oh yeahh,the cute girl in pink is my cozin' from Australia!!Gudday mate!*did I spell that right?? love this handsomee boy :D
Isn't he heavenly??Heee...

So,at the end of the story..
Semua orang balik rumah..
Terguling atas katil :D


Sunday, 25 December 2011

Have a Jolly Merry Christmas folks!

'Tis' the season to be jolly,falalalalalalalala..'

Me not celebrating Christmas people..
But before this day end in another 5 minutes,I want to wish my dearest friends who celebrates this day of joy..
Particularly to my best-of-friends-who-is-always-there-to-catch-me-when-I-FALL..


Beatrice Chia :D
She is my best buddy!really love her lots!and she's my MOMMA! :D
Darlings,really miss u and love you!

Jennifer Joseph :D
Miss her damn much!huhu..
Love you sweetie!

my nose is running!


Huhu,yes folks..currently not cool..but cold,*mengarut kfine..I have a really bad cold and a runny nose..went to the doctor,(future me!>.<)..and she said no fever,(yet) but my throat has a yellow 'bintik' already!*not good!..
She prescribed me some antibiotic(have to finish em'),cough,and and for my infected throat..

Gosh..I hope this is a test from Allah S.W.T to replenish my sins..
Subhanallah..Insya-Allah :D
Hope to get well soon!
(Coz' this nose is really driving me over the wall!)


Friday, 23 December 2011


Keh keh..
Oh,Assalamualaikum :)
Best gak cter neh..
Tajok diee:Rio :D..

Huh?cter ape?g tengoklah..ehe..
Just nak cakap yang,this story is very interesting coz' there are birds DANCING!ayyayayayayaya!
Heee..pape un,ni cozins,anak2 Maksu yang suke tengok,DQ..EA..EZ :D
Comell kan kan? :D

yabedabedoo :)


Assalamualaikum! :D
Dah jawab belum??JAWAB,okee?
Anyway,guuud morning!
Ya,today wanna talk bout't family..
Eh,camne u tawu ni?

Oke,firstly..FAMILY I AWESOME..
Duhh..memanglaa u boleh cakap family you pun awesome..I'm not offended..but still,I'm proud with my family...

Okay okay,dulu,masa sekolah rendah,dalam mata pelajaran KAJIAN TEMPATAN,saya belajar,keluarga terbahagi kepada dua kategori..keluarga kembangan and keluarga asas..
*no need to explain long long..cari buku KT kayy?pheww..
Jadi hari ini,saya nak cakap pasal keluarga asas saya dolu..
Yelah..nama pun asas,takkan nak short cut kowt??!
*tak pasal..

Oke2..dah puas membebel..meh,kita singkap ke dalam keluarga saya ye?
Kalau BOSAN,cari blog lain..
May I remind u here that I don't want ur trust,just your reading skill..tahu ta? :D..

Nampak tak pasangan bahagia atas tuh?yeee..the beautiful woman and the handsome man?
Yup guessed it,they're my lovely AYAH & IBU :)
What I want to say is..they are the most amazing parent a child can have :D..I'm such a lucky gal!
*jealous much??,bila ada parents yang amazing,there must be anak-anak yang FANTASTIC kan kan? Heee :D*nampak sangat angkat bakul sendiri..keh2..

Okay,saya anak sulong..omg,ramai tak cayee..tahu tak??haha..seyez..orang kata saya anak bongsu..cehh,nampak sangat I awet muda! *winkwink

Next,datangla si comel
ni..haha..comell kee?of course laa..nama dia Ajim..opss..nak berkenalan boleh contact kakak dia dulu ye?Sape?ni laa,yours truly :D..pape un,he's like my best friend!he is really lawak and funny *ehh,tak sama ke?and guess what?he cooks!Me likey :D

Then,there is this two cheeky,cute girls..haha..Sara(yg tue sikit)and Jaja(yang mude sikit)dorunk ni,my Ibu kata copyright of me??haha..memangla..dah,kakak gorgeous,adik?mestilah gorgeous juge :D..heh...nak muntah cari baldi cepat!!hee..eventhough they fight pun,jap lagi gelak gelak balik laa tuu..hee.. tak abis lagi..sabar ye..ada lagi seorang saya nak cakap ni..hee..

Saya panggil dia,Ajin Piji..comell ta??i know I am..haha..dia kata nak jadi askar nanty besar..*speechless

Huh..semua banyak ragam..nakal2..yang teramat,but we still love each other..tu yang penting!betol ta?hee..
Pape pun you all are my cute darlings..I love u guys lots lots!



Assalamualaikum semua!
Congratulations to my darlings,Legend Of X! LOX :)
owh,fyi..dorunk batch pmr taon nie at my ex-school..*okay,keling...
Haha..di sini,I want to express my deepest compliment to my FOREVER ADIK2 DORM..

Munirah Naja.....9A

Najibatul Akma......8A 1B

Fathiah Najihah.....8A 1B

:) ...yes,akak tau perasaan adek2..its one is against you guys..kay?every rain always comes with a rainbow kan kan?so,dun ever ever give up..ada ur best then!

Anyways,I still love you girls!
Forget me not kay?

To all LOX,congratz again and me love u guys so much!!

*yabedabedoo :)