"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

"...Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted..."

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

bleeding inside out :'(

Jyeahh,I was cooking today..and,and,and..I ACCIDENTALLY CUT MY LEFT THUMB! :O
Yauch!huhu :'(
It really hurts till' now..lambat betul blood clotting to take place,eh?Hummmphhh..lOOk at this folks.....

And yeah,I'm tired of all these tears,coz' of this bleeding inside..this is WHAT YOU WANT..then,I'll GIVE WHAT YOU WANT..don't regret it..I'm not a puppet that can be played and laughed..
So yeah..with this new profound strength and courage,I'll WALK AWAY..
Just like YOU WANTED..although it hurts too much,THAT I JUST WANT TO DROP DOWN AND JUST DIE..
But,it's not that easy..
I'll move on...........

So,jyeahh..thanks a lot..

*iamstronger :D

Saturday, 28 January 2012

always a happy cat :D

Assalamualaikumm :D
Hello,good people..
This post is dedicated to a very cheeky cat I know...
And her name is,Momo :)
Well,to tell u the truth,she's not my cat..she belongs to an awesome friend of mine..
It saddens me deeply though, me,she was apart of me too..
I still remembered,when I would call this friend of mine,the phone will be passed to her..and when I heard the jinggling bells,I would get excited,and I would greet happy I was..then,she would just stay at the phone and ran away..haha,cute cat..I just couldn't stand upon hearing this news,I shed a tear last night,and read Yassin to her..I also dedicate it to my Arwah Atuk and Nenek..
Haih..what can I do?She's just so far away..when I read my friend's bloggie,a post tributed to her..It really stabbed me in the chest..The way my friend and family treated her was like their own..they loved her too much,the pain was suffocating..
Her soul departed this world,on Friday morning,6.23 a.m..Alhamdulillah..IT WAS FRIDAY :),how much barakah she receives on this sacred day!
But deep in my heart,I know she's happy now,and I pray for her soul to be free :)....
To my friend,hope that you're getting better..and don't worry,you and your family received trumendous blessing..just by taking care of another creature of Allah..Insya-Allah..

To Momo,thanks for those bittersweet memories,it'll live in my heart till' the day I die,and maybe we'll finally get to meet each other,and I got my finger crossed for that :)

Ain't she just gorgeous?Such a sweet cat :D
I love you lots lots Momo :)

*nyeenyaww :)

mummy said,BELIEVE :D

Assalamualaikumm :)
Heee..mummy told me to believe what?!
Haha,chill..she told me,to BELIEVE in God's ARRANGEMENTS..
Dun u believe it too?

In our life,there were those ups and downs..and sonetimes,we would just,drop everything and give up..we sometimes(or should i say,ALWAYS) forget that it was a test to us..

Allah has summoned in the Holy Qur'an:
"We blessed upon humans TESTS,so that they will remember and worship us"
"These test are given based on their self-credibility"

See,Allah bagi ujian,yang kita boleh tanggung..kann kann?dan,ujian ni semua,supaya kita JANGAN LEKA kepadaNya..Be aware,that HE witnesses our every moment..sure,we done things we weren't proud of..but,it is never too late,TO long as the Judgement Day is still not here..
*take note

Actually,I want to write this:
*it is because of the wrong impressions people are giving me:

Okayy?satisfied,yes?Good..not satisfied?Go to hell..mwehehehehehe..just kidding..BUT SERIOUSLY..I learnt a very hard lesson and I don't want to go through those again,besides,I know that someone is waiting for me out there :) Haih..will wait for u too Deary :D..

So yeah,Mummy said,just believe and pray to Allah S.W.T for the best,in EVERYTHING..our life,our future mate,our wealth,our health,etc etc..

Okayy?so,stop asking ANY question related to Boy issues,everyone's my friend..but,I'm making a really clear line in between,and I hope u won't take any advantage by crossing it,okayy?
Good..good man :) And let me have this chance to make good deeds to my parents,siblings,family,friends,teachers,community,Islam,etc etc..

So,jyeahh..yang tak habis habis buat spekulasi..
Pweash and thank yuu :D

*thanks,lovemummy :)

Friday, 27 January 2012

mari bermuhasabah :)

Assalamualaikum :)

To Saudara-saudara SeMuslim saya yang dikasihi sekalian..
To my non-Muslim readers,this is not offensive..please open your mind and you may get some new info :)
Mari kita merenung sekejap,celoteh ini..

Membaca Zodiak boleh menyebabkan Solat TAK DITERIMA 40 Hari!

yes..I'm sure,some of us like to read our horoscope ait?

haih..yes,I like to read too..just for fun je punn..
So,you must know what zodiac is right??Everybody knows..
But,you must read this:

Ramalan Bintang Adalah Sihir
Rasulullah Shallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda: 
“Siapa yang mempelajari ilmu nujum berarti ia telah mempelajari cabang dari ilmu sihir, apabila bertambah ilmu nujumnya maka bertambah pulalah ilmu sihirnya.” 
(HR Ahmad dengan sanad hasan). 

Hadits ini dengan jelas dan tegas menyatakan bahwa ilmu nujum (yang termasuk dalam hal ini adalah ramalan bintang) merupakan bagian dari sihir. Bahkan Rasulullah menyatakan bahwa apabila ilmu nujumnya itu bertambah, maka hal ini berarti bertambah pula ilmu sihir yang dipelajari orang tersebut. Sedangkan hukum sihir itu sendiri adalah haram dan termasuk kekafiran, sebagaimana Allah berfirman yang artinya: 
“Dan mereka mengikuti apa yang dibaca oleh syaitan-syaitan pada masa kerajaan Sulaiman (dan mereka mengatakan bahwa Sulaiman itu mengerjakan sihir), Padahal Sulaiman tidak kafir (tidak mengerjakan sihir), hanya syaitan-syaitan lah yang kafir (mengerjakan sihir).”
 (Qs. Al Baqarah: 102)

Hukum Membaca Ramalan Bintang
Orang yang membaca ramalan bintang/zodiak baik itu di majalah, koran, website, melihat di TV ataupun mendengarnya di radio memiliki rincian hukum seperti hukum orang yang mendatangi dukun, yaitu sebagai berikut:
Jika ia membaca zodiak, meskipun ia tidak membenarkan ramalan tersebut. maka hukumnya adalah haram, sholatnya tidak diterima selama 40 hari. 
Dalilnya adalah:
“Barangsiapa yang mendatangi peramal, lalu menanyakan kepadanya tentang sesuatu, maka tidak diterima shalatnya selama 40 hari.” 
(HR. Muslim)

Jika ia membaca zodiak kemudian membenarkan ramalan zodiak tersebut, maka ia telah kufur terhadap ajaran Muhammad Shallahu alaihi wasallam. 
Rasulullah bersabda:
 “Barang siapa yang mendatangi tukang ramal atau dukun, lalu mempercayai apa yang diucapkannya, maka ia telah kufur dengan wahyu yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad Shallahu alaihi wasallam.” 
(Hadits sahih Riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Hakim).
Jika ia membaca zodiak dengan tujuan untuk dibantah, dijelaskan dan diingkari tentang kesyirikannya, maka hukumnya terkadang dituntut bahkan wajib. (disarikan dari kitabTamhid karya Syeikh Shalih bin Abdul Aziz Alu syaikh dan Qaulul Mufid karya Syeikh Utsaimin dengan sedikit perubahan)...

K3..ada artikel lagi panjang..can go HERE

Jap3..mesti ada statement begini:
"laaaa..lekk arr,just for fun je,bukan percaya pun.."
ya..memang 'just for fun' jee,tapi harus diingati,Allah S.W.T tak 'fun fun' dengan amalan kita dan perlakuan kita..INGAT..kita ni sekadar hamba yang daif dan lemah..jadi Kembalilah kepada Allah,okayy?

*sekadarmengingatidirisendiridanoranglain :)

this muffin of mine! :)

Hello beautiful people :)
So,I have this beautiful muffin..I met this cuteness,when I was 13 :)
Lamaaaaakan kan?,here she is :)

Tadaaa!heeee..*okay,mind me at the right :)

anyways..she recently build up a bloggie..and its awesome!
*please gooooo----->Muffin :)
heee..hope you'll enjoy it folks..

Oh yeah,one more thing..this is for you Muffin..
Some tips on how to make your bloggie awesomme :D
*k3,who cares if you say my bloggie is not awesome,yes it is! :P
  1. Please be yourself...especially in decorating don't need anyone's to in urself and go for it!
  2. Read lots and lots of blogs to get some crafty idea,or even the pick-up's always cool :)
  3. Try to go for facts,or life's experience..people often CRAVE for it :)
  4. Add new ideas,or point of view..
  5. DON'T exxaggerate in posting..keep it simple and juicy :)
  6. Put LOTS of picts! People love to see those..
  7. Avoid angry post,unappropriate ones..still,sinister one's are able *haha,just kidding :)
  8. Etc Etc of the pretty things :)
Oh more thing,BE YOURSELF!
don't post CRAPS..people don't like it!Seriously!
Guess that's the most of it..
Of course EVERYONE can follow these tips :)

P/S:me mish you muffins! :)

*cheeeeerrriiiooooo !

ha ha ha ?

Assalamualaikum :)
Well,as you probably see it..heh..
*only my loyal readers will see this..really??
Honestly,Pyzam is the best! *takpasall,haha
Anyway,got lots of things to post,so hope you guys enjoy the journey!

yeahhh..the journey's still far folks :)
So,lets make it Awesomee :D

Hold it right there!
dah pakai seatbelt daa?haha..
nampak sangat pemandu berhemahh.cehh :D

*k3 toodles! :)

what a touching trip ! :D

Assalamualaikumm :)
Firstly,wanna say,may Allah Bless you guys who prayed for my trip to be well,ad guess what?It was a very awseeemmmm trip..
It was like,I hiked back through the history of my roots :)
Okayy okayy..I came to know that,not only I have Singaporean Blood,I have the essence of Chinese too
*Jyeahh,that's why I have no problemo,making Chinese friends..gahh! *I amoi too :P lols

So,yeah..this is my late Tok Long and his late wife :)

Well actually..the story mory of this wonderful history of mine..Begins when..
The Family tree (ma Daddy's side) began with the mother (your Moyang’s mother) of the late Tok Long and arwah Puan. She was born handicapped. Bahasa kita, she ‘tempok’ and had difficulty walking and doing her daily chores. She was so embarrassed of herself and membawa diri merajuk dari kampung di Melaka. For record purposes, she was a muslim by birth. But when she left kampung membawa rajuknya being ‘tidak sempurna’, she ended married a chinese man (My moyang’s father).
From that marriage, she (my Moyang’s mother) had two children. The late Tok Long(male in photo above) and my arwah Puan (Moyang).
When her husband died, she declared to her two children about she being a melayu before She then, asked her children to choose their own paths,Chinese or Malay..
The late Tok Long of course chose to remain a chinese and later married the late nenek Long (female in photo above) and went on and had 8 children. One of them is Uncle Chong and Nenek Busu Ti that we went and visited that day. It was their ‘hari raya’ that day
And the late Tok Long younger sister, arwah Puan (my Moyang) chose to become a muslim as fate had brought her, Alhamdulillah. Arwah Puan later married a kind muslim man name Jaya (my male moyang).
Till here, secara ringkasnya – my moyang (arwah Puan) was a chinese who later decided to convert to Islam and married arwah Tok Jaya ( my moyang lelaki).
Arwah Puan and Tok Jaya were soon blessed with a son who they named, Mamat...
Mamat bin Jaya is of course is our beloved Atok who had peacefully left us to meet Allah SWT on last 18 December 2011. Al Fatihah…
Mamat Bin Jaya, then had a son, Mohd dashing father :)
Later,came the little toddlers who are so cheeky and naughty :)
Alhamdulillah :)
Anyways..we have an amazing time that day..and lOOkie  here folks :)

ngeheheheh...comel kann kann?

eternal happiness :D

okayy okayy,i love this picture T.T

Haha..againn?heeee :D

Hahaha..see our faces,the face of BLISS :)
Next,after a very precious moment with our Chinese relatives,
We set for Nek Busu's house :)
hahaha..sedap ohh..ada telur itik masak lemak!
Nyumm! :)

Road to Nenek's house :)

Having fun eh,kiddos? :)

Zoo Negara :)
Hah?haha..Razin quotes :D

Eleeeehhhh..poyo je my fave uncle nih,ahakks..

Heeee..then thenn,
*hah?ada lagi??
hehe..of course!
After a nice evening at Nek Busu's house..
We allz pun decided to go to Jonker Street *)
I know,you must be psyched to see the pictures..but i'm sorry :(

Jonker Street tutup!

*_________* speechless..

Ni je yang sempat haaaaa...----------->somenightatjonkerstreet :D

comell ta?
Of course laaa :)
K3,moving on :)

After a heart-breaking moment at Jonker's..*cehhh,emo D:
we allz gerak Dataran Melaka :)
Where the history of our Nation's Independence blaa blaa blaa..
You know the history ait?
anyways,penatla nak upload gambar..heh..BANYAK SANGAT!

Awww..comell kan kan?
Kdah..satu cukop!mweheheheh..

okayyyyyy..I admit,ada lagi...heh..
Then,for our RUMBLING,ANGRY tummies..
Abg Adrien treated us Dinner at ASAM PEDAS CLAYPOT :)
*and yeahh,we got to meet his fincee,Kak Nadia :) such sweetness..

jyeahh..that's Abang Adrien and Daddy :)
*good luck amek result nanti~Abg Adrien :D

Ibu ibu yang sungguh seporting :)

Pretty much everyonee :D

After that,we rode back in the night towards home..and..and..
Balik terus tergolekk:D
Did you have fun?
Awww,to bad..

i did :D


Thursday, 26 January 2012

a sweetheart of mine :)

I have a special announcement to make ! :)
I hereby wish Princess Beatrice Chia,a very cherished birthday..
Happy Becoming,Present&Pass Birthday!teehee:D

Remember those moments,when I would call and we would laugh?
Jyeahh..I miss those moments :)
And I hope we could re-live it till' the day we DIE..
got my fingers crossed,love :)

Remember,wherever you go and whatever you do,
I'll always LOVE YOU :D

*loveyoulotslots :D

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

L Y :D

Assalamualaikum !
Just wanna thank someone for making my day :)..
Thanks Dear,really appreciate it :3

*MLY! (<^,^>)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

birthday Mama :D

Assalamualaikum sayangs sayangs sekaliann :)
Jadi,hari ni kan kann..
Hari Lahir Mama..
Yup yup..
Heyy,not my real Mama..this Mama:

Happy Birthday Mama Rosila :)
Moga panjang umur,murah rezeki :)
Thanks for everything,sorry for everything too :)

Yup,she was my Modern Mathematics Teacher at Sepintar..she was my Archery teacher too..I love her sooo much much..she is always there fer me..that's why I call her Mama.. :)

ngeeee..comel taa?
haha,that's Umi btw :)
Both Archers :D

Me will always miss you laa,Mama :D


cheeky madness,gahh!

So,I just love,love,love to take pictures now..and show them to me Mummy,awwww :D

Haha..lagi lagi pictures with my cheeky cozins !
Sooo,as we all knows..hah!what what?
My Daddy's side of the family,my Daddy is kinda sorta the oldest one..actually,he got a brotha who is currently at Australia!!and he got a son,sebaya as me laa..anyways,I laa antara yang paling tuaa..
*bangga sangat.haha..
So,I takdelah shy shy cat nak amik gambar nan diorang,kan kan? *winkwink ;)

See the title up theree..u'll see why,it is called..

me and Arisya :)

Arifah with her balloons :D

agent Oso :)

Layla ya'lls

EZ :)

pretty much everyonee :D

this darlings again :)

Haha..oopsie,me brothaa :D

Gahh!that's just a part of it..haha..more to come people.. :)
Insya-Allah :D

*iamkakakmiza :)

i am beautiful :D

I just wanted to say..
Oh yeahh..and not just me,even you you and you ;)
Hurmm..actually,I was thinking and thinking and thinking..and thinking again..*alah banyak lah kau punya thinking..haha
Jyeahh..someone told me,
"Miza,g joging laa..nak masuk frame pun dah tak muat dahh"
Gawsh,I admit..ramai dah cakap camtuh,but I dun care..well,I do care,and I do,take care of my diet,hokayy?
Tapi,terasa ohh..gilaa punya..
Anyways,hari tuh,hari tuh punya hari tuh..*maigawd keling gilaa ayat..haha
Tengok gambar lama2..hummphh,comel gakk..haha,okay that's not my point..the point is..what size?
I mean,kalau dari dulu lagi cakap,that 'I'm Fat'..tengok baju dulu2..lagi kecik dari baju sekarang and dulu pakai baju baju itu pun longgar..then,wadahek?
Nak kita besar mana ?! *confused here..nak macam tooth pick ke?Kering kontang..*i don't think so..
Well,pape pung..I did lost few of these KG's and I ain't lying here..huh..and I love myself..
Jyeahh,cakap sekali dah laa..I understand..I'm not deaf yet pun..eventhough I stuck my earphones and beats in my ears allllll dayyyy lonnnng..I get it,I need to lose A LOT of weights..
So,just cut me some slick okayy?
I love my physical and I do want to make it look a whole lot better,so please..LET ME JUST DO MY THANG..haha


*taaadaaa ;)

Monday, 23 January 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai :D

Happy happy Chinese New Year everybody..
Waiittt,I don't celebrate it..take note :D
But I'm wishing a very prosperous and happy year Of the Dragon to all my friends and their families,who celebrates this wonderful event !
*me want angpau pweash :)

Anyways,may I say to you people,that I have Chinese Blood flowing in me too!
Wow ! I'm amazed with myself..I have such colourful relatives..who knows,I might even have Arabian blood too..*that's coz' somebody told me so,that I look like Arab..hihihihi :P

Jeng Jeng Jengg...
Haha,what what?
Nothingg,today me travelling to Seremban and Melaka to go and hunt my Chinese relatives..Ahha,cool kann?
*kfine,dun u make the face at my face..
Wish me and me family safe in this journey,hokayy! :D

*loveyulots! :D

Sunday, 22 January 2012

you can laugh now..

Well,thanks..for the sick,BETRAYAL..
Wow,great! You win!
*bigapplausetoyou! :)
Jangan cakap orang..kalau diri sendiri buat!
Ughh,I dunno such stupidity exist in this world..

*deep breaths..
Jyeahh,I'm cool..I'm cool..
I'm shutting myself up..from all this madness..
Just a waste of my too precious time..
tqvm :D

*peace.tranquillity.calm :)


Gahh!Tak tido lagi??!!
Haha..chillax mann,this will only take a second..Promise! *winkwink

I just really wanted to re-retweet this..
Got it from a friend..

"Dear Heart,please stop hoping..stop caring.."


Okayy,maybe it's not that funny,kinda sorta..
Anyways,May I remind to you people..
So,let our brains do the work sometimes..and give your heart a break, really needs it :D

*pleaseandthankyou :)

beauty sleep !

Assalamualaikum :)

hokayy..da ngantuk daa..
See Stitch up there?Jyeahh..I can see someone is ready for bed eh?
Don't forget to grab your teddys! LOLOL.. *I got Bobo btw :)
So,tak nak kene bebel..nak kene tidurr NOW..*mestilllovemeIbu :)
Haha..macam apa je post nie..anyways,good night everybody..
As Chicken Little quotes, *kinda sorta..
"Today is a new day".. ngehehehee..
nyte nyte peeps!


the only onee :D

Assalamualaikumm :)
Hey,just wanna say..
To Dearest Momo,

Sweet 18 !
May you have a very blissful life..
Wherever you are and whenever you go,
You are loved :)

Seni Seviyorum,Coco :D

*you're everything,that God dreams're everything,that makes me fall in love :)

untuk Arwah :)

I just want to say that..
Atok,wherever you are now and wherever you'll be after this,please know that everyone loves you,deeply,truly..
Today was Arwah Atok's tahlil too..
Goshh,how much I missed him..
Sometimes,I still feel his presence..
Gawsh,I really love you,Atok :)

*Al-Fatihah..may he be with the pious souls,and is sent straight to the Heavens :D

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Layla & Daddy :D

My dear respectful readers..
So,today had a bashful birthday of these two loved ones..
Pak Anjang and Layla..fate has brought their birthdays on the same day :)
Soooooo shweaatttt :P
These are some memorable pictureka,my dashing iPod candided..haha :D

These two very special people,whom I love so much..
Happy Birthday,Darlings..
May you have a very blissful life ahead of you :D

Game Time :)
such FUNNNN!!!

the apple-couple-eating competition!
taadaaa! :) sweet these twoo..
*malang nasib si abang kene habiskan..hahah!

Me love you Layla,dear Cozin :)

okay okay..I ATE them..LOLOL

Hummphh..tak aci!She's pregnant!
I'm?Well.... =.="

Barbie cake :D
CAUTION:the HAIR is non-edible!gahh!

My Uncle's Cake..Nyum :/

gathering with the family was the best part..kann kann?

*Ilovemyenormousfamily :)


Assalamualaikum :)
See?I'm smiling kan kan? *ohyeahh
Anyways,I realized that these days,was the WORST!
What happened,Lalita?
You used to be centered and controlled,and..COOL..
But now u are clearly not!
Wake up, KNOW you are better than this..kan?
Jyeahh..I know,and I used to be more polite,and kind and friendlier..
Now,I came across an ugly witch which possessed me and made me into an ugly monster!gahh!!! *kindaawkward
I just,I want to be a GREAT person..
That was one of the things I want to achieve before I die..*andIpraytoGodforthat

Sigh =="
And I'm sorry to the people I hurt,for most to the people I love..
Just know,you are going to get your girl back..
The girl,who never gives up..
The girl,who was the one you're proud of!
And the most sweet thing about that is,

I'm begging you,please don't give up on me,hokayy?

*ipromise !

i dun care anymore!

Assalamualaikumm W.B.T

Jyeahh,see that up there?
I dunnot caree anymore..
So can you just,cut me some slick?! are such a heart-breaker..

*justgivingmyheartabreak !

beyond the blackboard :)

Tak jawab dosa,kalau jawab sayang :D haha

Anyways,see the title up there..jyeahh..the one with the blue colour?Yup yup :)
You must be wondering..
Wat la weyy? *gahh!

Okay okay..It's a title of a movie that I watched from the telly..
Well,I could tell you a bit of it,take it as a bedtime story,hokayy? :D
So,the story started about a little girl..her name was Stacy Bess..and since she was in school,she DREAMED of being a great teacher and hoped that one day,she would help children achieve their DREAMS..But,looking at her past life,she didn't have a very jolly childhood..Her parents often fought and led her to always run away from problems..At 16,she quit school,and got married to a guy named Greg..She was lucky that Greg was a very respectful husband and very supportive..eventhough she dropped school,she immediately rebound and graduated from University Of Utah with flying colours :D
So,this is the best part..
As her first assignment..she was sent to a school at a homeless centre at Salt Lake City..It was called,"a school with no name"..At first,she was hopeless..with a school that looked such a wreck..but then again,with the support and love and hope from the people that loved her,her husband and her two children..she made it through..The homeless kids that was very unattended and very poor,became very polite and 'rich' with knowledge..They loved her like their own mother..
for more info on Stacy Bess--->a teacher,a mother :D

What I want to say was,this is such a remarkable story..and fyi,Stacy Bess is REAL..she lives till' today and fought for children's right of education :D..and personally,I agree with me,CHILDREN are wonderful beings,and we should care for them..Jyeahh,I LOVE CHILDREN *eventhough they don't like me sometimes..hurmm?..Anyways,yeah,from the children stage,they should be cherished..with much care and knowledge..It is crutial for them to grow in such a healthy environment..and yeah,we all have been at the adventure do we?

So,I was thinking of,since I love Children so much and rest assured,I have the passion to teach others,I should be a teacher then,it is a very noble job!And funny,not many know about that..
But then again,I am driven..I really badly want to be a doctor,so..I've got lots of plans going in my head and yeah,I'm pretty much exciting right now!Gahh!

Yeah sometimes we kids can be such a trouble,but everyone also has to know that we just wanna have fun!
So,guide us..and show us the right that,we would be a better child and even be a teacher,to others..when we grow up :D

*wechildrenrock !

Friday, 20 January 2012

miss my darlings B4

Assalamualaikumm semuaa :D
Hurmm :')
Jyeahh..wanna post this..

Such cuties kann?

Di kala semua senyap...
Kami happening..haha
Di kala semua bising..
We alls study..hahahaha..
Di kala semua terbuai mimpi..
Kami..merayau? Hahahaha..

I miss this family and jyeahh..
Who would ever thought that those excrutiating weeks of SPM would be such fun! LOLOL..
Huh =.="
Hope that one day,we can meet again..and by that time,this feeling would be better :D

Credits to:
Keyra,Tira,Raihan,Aqila ZN,Syida,Lyssa,Maryam,Nazeerah,Asiyyah,Nani,Musfirah :D

*missyugurlsalot,tsktsk :')

a date with Daddy :D

Assalamualaikumm :D
Hello everybody..kinda long leaving this bloggie of minee unattended..,whaddup?
Okay,hari tue..I went out with me lovely Daddy :D
Nak amik iPad Mummy..
*jyeahh,she got a newwww iPad people! Okayy,i'm jealous..
Haha..just see these...

this is me Daddy :D..makan2 at Chicken Rice Shop :)

Gahh!it's a secrett :)

Haha..I was so excited to see this Candy section..hokayy,I didnt know there were a Candy section!I freaked out!gahh*___*

Oh jyeahh.. :D aweesomee

*meloveyuusoomuchdaddy :D